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About the Land
About the Coffee
Mountain Range:
Costa Rica 95
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Fermentation and drying information:
Cherry is brought to a central mill at the offices of ACALEM. A new ECOPULPER (demucilage machine) was provided for by a local NGO and was installed prior to the 17/18 harvest. During the 18/19 harvest the mill was in full operation. It takes an average of 7 hours for coop members to transport their cherry from the farm yo the mill. Dry milling and sorting is done at a neighbouring cooperative.
Farm Size (hectares)
Area Planted w/ Coffee
Average Age of Trees
Yield per Hectare
Trees per Hectare
Amount of Shade
The farmers
The farm
Cooperative Association of coffee of the Sierra Lenca de Morazán (ACALEM) was Established on April 27, 2011 with producers from the municipalities of Perquin, San Fernando and Arambala. With 56 founding partners the cooperative was formed in response to the severe attack of leaf rust which completely ended the coffee varieties of Pacas and Bourbon for these coop member. The cooperative has an ecological wet mill with an aqua pulper as well as a roasting plant where coffee is processed and marketed under a local brand.
The cooperative members are developing techniques to deal with climate change. Including increased shade, water infiltration ditches and landscape terracing through thier farms in order to increase soil moisture and recharge the local watershed. They are also incorporating Bocachi tea in the sowing of their coffee trees and are working on the preparation of organic inputs such as biofertilizers, fungicides and insects, which the partners apply in their productive areas. They are no longer applying weed killers to control weeds, today it is done manually.
*May have been hastily translated. Pardon spelling or grammatical errors.
18/19 Harvest Report
Overall qualities were average for this newly established group of growers. Production volume are as can be expected for trees that are not 5 years old on average. This is the first year that the group was able to export their production as "ACALEM" with the help of Coffee Unified and local NGO's. Coffee Unified supports and purchases their production based first on technical assistance targeting conservation through climate smart management practices. The individual growers and cooperative member are well organised but are still lacking in some basic capacities and understanding. The encouraging part is that all member and the cooperative itself are all opened minded as they realize the task ahead of them. Coffee Unified purchased ACALEM's first marketed container as a blend but also selectively purchased a handful of offerings from a few farmers that we felt had special potential. In the coming harvest we will expand these offerings by dialling in on better process and building out coop marketing for select growers. 2019/20 harvest should see much improvement in quality as well as production.
in the Grower's words
The high production costs and the low price of grain, limits what we small Producers can perform proper management.